jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

Saint Patrick's Day


Today, March 17, Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated all over the world. Do you know who this man was? How is this festival celebrated? Watch the videos.

Is there a Patron Saint in your town? Do you celebrate a special day? How? Post a comment.

2 comentarios:

  1. María Elena Cáceres Gómez, 1° Eso A
    In my town my Saint is San Miguel, we celebrate maKing a race and games and giving chicks

  2. Marian Pozuelo Sánchez 1ª ESO A12 de abril de 2017, 17:46

    in my town the Saint is San Miguel.
    We celebrate his day making a race in which all the childrens participate. Making games with bicycles too and giving chicks.
