viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016


What do you know about HALLOWEEN?
Have you ever celebrated this festivity? How?

Maybe one of the most famous songs is Michael Jackson's Thriller, a 13-minute music video that is ideal for Halloween. 

Let's watch the first part of the video and try to understand the dialogue on it. 

Now, watch the complete video and do the activities on your worksheet.
What happened next? Make up the end of the story and post a comment

This song is so popular that there have been many versions of it. Let's watch a funny one.

2 comentarios:

  1. After she got up ,michael and his girlfriend went to the cinema, they watched a thriller film and the nightmare of the girl came true.At the end,the girl transform into a zombie too.They started the worst zombie apocalypse ever and they destroyed the human race.
    Manuel Dominguez Carmona 4°B 3-11-2016

  2. Natalia Torres Ruiz 4°b
    After Michael's girlfriend got up of the sofa,Michael said that they will go to her house but he took her to a lagoon and he transformed into a water monster.She tried to escape but the water monster killed her and then he ate her.
    At the end michael selected another girl for go watch a thriller film and kill her too
